About Me

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I am a certified esthetician only out of school for two years, but figured it would be a nice idea to start a blog about my experiences with beauty care.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Extract of the day:Rosemary


The effects are stimulating, antiseptic, wound healing and improves circulation.
Good for oily, acne scars and mature skin.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Extract of the Day: Aloe vera

Aloe Vera

Anti-inflammatory, hydrating(emollient), calming and softening.
Good for dry, problem skin, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea and couperose.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Nails

Some more Christmas nails

Would love to hear what you think

Extract of the day: Blueberry

Alot of active ingredients are natural(exracts), so you should know what you are using.
I'll be posting everyday a plant or bush and the effects they have on the skin.

Effects are softening, calming and anti-inflammitory   
Good for dry, sensitive, couperouse and rosecea       

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Curved finger problem

The index and ring finger is usually the issue here.
The index finger will have a slant  towards the thumb or towards the middle finger. Extra care must be taken when shaping this nail.

If the slant is ignored and filed the same way as the rest of the nails, the curved finger will be emphasised.

The nail must be filed away more on one side then the other, to give the nail a more straight look.


I was only able to find example pictures, now I need to find somone with a curved finger. lol

Friday, December 10, 2010

A good cuticle clip

This is one of my nails I let go for a few weeks, notice how my cuticle is out grown and it's all dried up(winter nails lol)
I soaked my nail in water with a little bit of vitamin E massage oil(to make it more hydrating). For about 5 minutes.

When I was done soaking I dried my nail and pushed up a cuticle, you can do this with a stainless steel cuticle pusher or a wooden flat angled nail art sticks, but you must be gentle.
This is where you're nail grows from.
Pushing the cuticle up before clipping I find helps see how much you want to get.

 Once this is done, you can start clipping the cuticle but I wouldn't advise doing it with anything other then a cuticle nipper. Don't clip too much since the cuticle is there to protect the new nail that's growing out. If it pinches, usually you're too far.
Clip but do not pull the clipper away. This is how we cause frays with the cuticle. Does not look nice and sometimes hurt.

This is the after shot. Before cuticle oil.

                       Would love to know if this helps anyone, or if I left anything out.

Right length for you

The free edge(white of the nail) should be about a little less then half of what the nail bed itself is.

It is the sides of the nails that give the plate it's support. If the sides are filed away to give the nail a narrower apperarance, then there is less support.

My thoughts of the day lol

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Color coding for the right nail color

The right shade of varnish will minimise lines, wrinkles and make the skin look healthy.
The wrong shades will emphasise blemishes and make the skin look shallow blueish or grey.

If you have very short brittle nails, you would want to use a pale, calm color so you don't draw too much attention.
While if you have "knobby" joints, sometimes using bright vibrant colors are better so you draw attention to the nails and not to your nuckles.

Colors are made up of three main colors(base) yellow, blue and red.
In color coding, colors are to be seen as being blue-based(cool and synthetic) or yellow based(warm and natural)

Color coding is also based around the four seasons:

Autumn and spring types are warm(yellow base), having a fair, freckled, golden cast to their skin, red-golden hair, brown eyes.

Winter and summer types are cool(blue base), having a pinkish cast to their skin, gret-blue eyes.

Also I find in spring and summer the most popular colors are lighter, cleaner and brighter.

Where in winter and autumn it seems to be more darker and mellow colors.

Not quite sure if I covered everything, i'll be posting pictures of the differences of skin tones and the difference of them once the right color is chosen, when I can take them ;)

                                              Comment are always appreciated   
                                                                 Sleepy flower

Friday, December 3, 2010

HOW TO: Christmas candle

Start off by the out line of the candle, making a lop sided mushroom head with two verticle lines under.

Fill in with color of choice for candle.

Take black again, at the top of the candle, make an arched line from one egde to the other to give the candle a little depth.
Make a little black line for a wick in the middle of this and fill in with candle color.

To make the garland at the base of the candle, I take my oldest brush(scruffy brush) and dab down to get sponge look. I always have to dab on paper first to get the right effect.   

Add three little dots to make holly, my holly isn't red lol. then dab the green around.
Use yellow to make a flame(up side down tear drop) with a little orange up side down tear drop inside near the bottom.

Finished nail.
Hope this was helpfull! :)

'Tis the season nails

Starting my Christmas nails.

Comments are always appreciated